Player support improves

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Player support improves

Next season at Park to Pro there will be plenty of improvements as you’ve already seen. There will be a new platform within the training centre which will enable us to all communicate better, a methodology implemented that is world famous and equipment to ensure, we can all reflect accordingly.

Lastly, we have taken the steps to introduce an online player mentorship programme. This programme will consist of 2 workshops per month, that the players can watch at their own leisure. The videos will be uploaded to an online platform and last around 15 minutes each, with extensive detail provided on certain action/moments of the game.

Adam said; “I want to be able to provide an all round player package, that can help everyone improve. Being on the pitch is what we all want, but I’ve now taken a focus on what we can do to help players, away from the training centre. We will now be providing, recorded video footage – that will be available on a weekly basis, a football book – provided to all players breaking down football actions, a brand new player diary – that will allow each player to reflect on their own progress, and finally, this new online programme.”

Commenting on another online programme that was a success, Adam added, “We have just come to the end of our online coach mentorship programme and this was a resounding success. The plan now is to roll this concept out to all of our players and see how they get on. I’m really looking forward to restarting in September”.

There will be information available from Friday 6th August, on how you can register for our training centre.

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