For the community
achieve your goals
In the community
We are always looking to build relationships within the local community, which is why our community programmes are available for everyone to use. We have a service that schools at primary and secondary level can utilise, who could be looking for extra assistance with the school team or guidance on football within the curriculum.
In school and after hours football programme
Park to Pro offer a curriculum that can be used in both primary and secondary schools, where learning football is seen through different means. There is a strong emphasis on ‘football fitness’, regardless of the age or ability.
All ‘school team’ players are encouraged to attend the after hours football programme, along with other aspiring football players. During practical sessions teachers are invited to assist, so they can learn and use the opportunity to develop further knowledge of football.
Birthday party/celebration packages
Our birthday party/celebration packages are ranked in a 3 tier system and are available to boys and girls from the ages of 5 -16. Every family that books a party will receive a Park to Pro celebration pack and discounted rates on all of our other services.
Our celebration packages can also be utilised at local football tournaments and school fetes.