Coach mentorship guests

achieve your goals

Coach mentorship guests

In September, we started the 2nd edition of the Park to Pro coach mentorship programme, which is now going into it’s 5th month. Our delegates have had many topics shared with them, which has enabled them to learn something new and expand on current knowledge.

Now we’re in 2022, we’re making the programme even more interactive by providing a new ‘series’, for our coaches to delve in to.

We have coaches lined up from the professional game, who will be taking part in a conversation about a respective topic, followed by an open Q & A to discuss further. By doing this, our coaches will be able to extract what they can from the first conversation, come up with some questions and ask the coach first hand.

Adam said; “We have had a number of previous guests on our programme, who have provided many messages for our coaches to take home. So far I’ve provided presentations, literature and videos for our coaches to utilise. This next step in the programme will be in place to assist coaches with their learning and then give them the opportunity to test what they know. I’m very much looking forward to the coming months”.

The list of coaches that will be participating in this series, will be announced next week!

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